Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life so far

So I just finished my first full week of classes.

Goodness, it seems like we have been here a lot longer than that. o.o And we have-- we've been here for half a month plus a few odd days. Anyway, it's the holiday weekend, which means a chance to finally catch up on some sleep. ;)

Saturday night was full of Dr. Who-- I'm so hooked. It was only my second time seeing it but I'm already in love.

Too bad that can't happen with some guy here....O.o

Anyway! I adore that show and love spending my nights with my friends, huddled under a blanket in the SLTC grabbing each other and screaming every time something scary happened. which was quite often ;) goooodd timessss.

Anyway, today was pretty laid back. Church, then lunch with friends, walmart run with my car loaded down with car-less friends, productive music practice, dinner, then hairspray. :) First time watching the movie-- I loved it and it made me want to dance. Which I really can't do. But still.

So it appears like this has turned from a photo blog to a blog blog. Sorry 'bout that. I may change the privacy settings so only I can read it. Secret blog diary. ;) Haha we shall see.

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