The Magician by Lev Grosman
I could rant and rave about this book for hours but the end result is that you need to go out and read it. Like, now. I feel like this is a book I would have written-- it makes references to Narnia, Star Trek, LOTR, so basically this is as good as fiction gets. I can't fully explain how much I love this book-- it's interesting and an non-romanticized view on life and magic. It's like a gritty grown up story about magic where magic doesn't even come close to solving all the problems. It has a sequel (also a book that you must read) called The Magicians' King. I'm eagerly awaiting the next book which should be released this year.

The Fault in our Stars by John Green
I rarely cry at the movies. Broadchurch (go watch it) is the only tv show that has ever made me cry. But I never thought I would ever shed a tear reading a book. That is, until I read The Fault in Our Stars, a modern day take on star-crossed lovers. It's a quick read-- I started and finished it all in an emotional, tea and Kleenex filled Saturday afternoon. I was reading it on Michelle's iPad and there was a point when the iPad got tired of my tears and started flipping out, causing me to flip out thinking I damaged her iPad with my tears. It's that emotional. The movie is coming out next summer but I don't know if I want to put myself through that again. It's heartbreaking but also amazingly beautiful.

All I Ever Wanted by Kristen Higgins
This was a guilty-pleasure quick read romance book I downloaded from my library onto my nook while I was in France. I loved every page of it-- it was well written with interesting characters and made me laugh out loud more than once. That being said, if you read this and like it, just stop there. Don't try and find other books by the author. I found another book by the same author and found it to be almost identical to this one-- same premise, basically same main character, some of the same quirks, ect. However, All I Ever Wanted is a nice fluffy romance.
The Pox Party by M. t. Anderson
I've seen this cover multiple times but never took the time to read the book, until it appeared on a list of books recommended by John Green. It was definitely an interesting book-- slightly esoteric and poetic at times it told the tale of a little black boy during the Revolutionary War. The boy is being raised by a group of philosophers who want to determine whether or not African Americans had the same mental capacities as their whiter counterparts. It's heartbreaking but beautiful.

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
I found this book on a NPR best book 2013 list and picked it up online through my library while I was in France. It's a fun paranormal read set in London-- I read it after my trip to London so it was fun to recognize some of the things mentioned. It heavily features, surprise surprise, the tale of Jack the Ripper, but it isn't cliche or particularly expected. I can't wait to go find the sequel in my library.

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
I'm pretty sure this book was recommended to me by a friend a while ago but I just never got around to reading it. That was a mistake, as I really enjoyed this paranormal(? more like fantasy) story. I had, once again, rented the ebook from my library, and I really enjoyed the vintage photographers that tie in heavily with the story and that appear on the pages. I can't wait for the sequel to come out this year.
That's is! I've read some other books but I really loved these and wanted to share them so that maybe someone else can enjoy them as much as I did.
Thanks for reading!
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