Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Weird thing is, I've been wanting to post ever since my last post but I've been away from internet connection during Thanksgiving. Now that I'm home, I can post away! While my grandparents may not have internet connection, they do have a beautiful, and large backyard. (couple of acres I think)

I'm worried that I'm reverting to any old phase I went through-- over photoshoping....I don't know though, I love the light, almost washed out dreamy feeling these photos have. I should post some before and after's sometime.

I loved the perspective of this. I was basically shooting blind-- I turned my camera up, put it below the flower and just clicked away.

This is a more normal picture of the flower :) Like I said, I hope I'm not over doing the photoshop on these pictures.

You have no idea how much I love reflections. ;) Soo muchh..

I had some difficulty in capturing this reflection, there were leaves below the water and I didn't want to focus on them, just the watery tree.

So I'm back home now-- slightly sad, seeing how mes parents aren't here aussi. But oh well, I'll see them soon enough. Next time I see them I'll be on Christmas break. :D

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