Monday, May 20, 2013

Dia Dos

This morning we headed to a local baptist church, sitting in on Sunday school before attending the service.

Kind of hard to follow since it was all in Spanish, but still it was really cool.

No surprise, football is a huge sport here.

After church we headed to a local restaurant for lunch and enjoyed a taste of Honduran food and delicious strawberry shakes.

We hung out with some local kids at an Awanas meeting, singing some songs, doing a little skit, and then playing some games.

They didn't have much. A small enclosed concrete pad and some bowling pins. Somehow, though, they came up with a surprising variety of fun little games.

The kids were adorable, even though they spoke little English and I spoke even littler Spanish. It was rather hot in the glare of the sun, though the running kids seemed hardly to notice.

Okay so I've tried for the past two nights to upload three more photos to this post and it is not going to happen right now. Later, when the wi-fi is stronger, I'll add a couple more photos of the adorable kids. But for right now I'm going to nurse my first battle wound-- suffice to say, playing ultimate Frisbee in a gravel parking lot might not be the best idea.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more updates on life in Honduras :)

Check out my group's take on day two! 

[[EDIT: finally got those pictures up!]]

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