Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Summer Scene

More melted crayon art! As promised ;)

So recently I got four boxes of crayons, making good use of the back to school sales that meant each box was 50 cents.

I also had two small canvases to use. One was covered in a pretty bad painting I had attempted-- I told you I always wanted to be an artist. 

The other canvas was blank, just waiting for the possibilities to be realized. I had recently stumbled upon a cool paper flower tutorial. I posted a picture here a while ago-- I tried it, but then wrote the flowers off as just another tutorial that didn't work out.

Well, the more I looked at the paper flowers, the more I liked them. Also, I found a cool melted crayon artwork that used greens as a nod to grass. All those things combined together yesterday to create another melted crayon artwork.

My cat was very curious ;)
At first I toyed with the idea with lining crayons at both the top and bottom of the canvas to create both the sky and the ground. I realized, though, that the canvas was too small for both the blues and the greens and opted out of the sky.

I decided to try and alternate the heights of the crayons. Out of the four boxes of crayons I could barely cover the bottom of the canvas with greens, yellows, and browns. I placed the paper flowers on the canvas to approximate their placement.

Next, I headed outside. This time I tried using a hairdryer to melt the crayons. The trick with this idea was to prop the canvas up like this, melt the crayons, and then flip the canvas so that the wax appears to grow up.

The hairdryer didn't take near as long as I had feared. I also didn't have the problem of crayons slipping out of the glue like I did last time.

Melted wax! The browns were pretty dark-- if I had more greens then I would have nixed the browns.

Volia! I tried to vary the wax dripping lengths...if that convoluted sentence made sense. I wanted to put the flowers at the top of the wax drippings, like flowers on a stem.

Here it is! I like the way that the greens all blended together. I'm not sure if I like the flowers... I haven't glued them on yet so I might make some more. I'll post how I made the flowers later-- haha you, my reader, might have better luck! They just look so cool on the tutorial...

A close up of my music flower!

As always, thanks for reading! I had like a flip-out moment halfway through writing this post when I thought all the pictures-- which took me like 30 min to upload-- had disappeared. Luckily for me, they hadn't!

Now back to my Friends episode....:)

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